Water treatment system
It is a process of deion exchange between the cations and anions in the water, and a physical chemistry process for an ion exchange processing with H+ ions and OH- ions making up the pure water, reproducing pure water with specially made ion exchange resin for ion exchange process.
Demineralized water ion exchange systems are widely applied to businesses requiring the production of various pure waters.
Special applications of ion exchange
Special Hyundai ENP. engineering can offer ion exchange system for the following applications
- Industrial effluent treatment for galvanic, electronic and plating industry, such as : recovery of chromic acid from plating baths; recovery of hydrochloric acid from picking baths treatment; and subsequent reuse of rinse water elimination of heavy or precious metals from water to recover such metals; concentration of toxic components from solutions; complete systems can be supplied including detoxification, neutralization and sludge dewatering equipment.
- Purification of organic solutions is a removal of traces of salts, acids or alkali.
- Demineralization of whey
- Demineralization and de-colorization of sugar.

Depending on the process, treated water qualities having a conductivity range of 0.1 to 10 µS and silica content of 5 to 100ppb can be obtained.
Reverse osmosis system
Eliminates all the following regeneration while producing superior water.
- 99.9% of organics over 1,000 molecular weight removed including bacteria, virus and pyrogenic.
- 99.5% of organics over 200 molecular weight removed including sucrose, other small organics.
- 95% fluoride and chloride removed.
- 94% Sodium and potassium removed.
- 97% calcium and magnesium removed.
- 98% heavy metal removed